"Take-Aways: Removable Inserts from Esopus" at Esopus Space

September 15, 2011

Every issue of Esopus has featured a range of removable inserts created to enhance the visceral experience of reading the magazine. These have taken the form of business cards, license plates, audio CDs, strips of film negative, pieces of correspondence, and even a 3-dimensional geometric model. A number of artists' projects in past issues have included one of these removable items—ranging from John Baldessari’s “Foot and Stocking Series, 2010” (a series of six 7" x 11.5" images in Esopus 14) to Richard Misrach's “Untitled, 2005,” a 16" x 35" poster from Esopus 5—effectively allowing readers to own and display works by both established and emerging artists that might otherwise be unaffordable for them. “Take-Aways” featured 136 inserts from all of the issues of Esopus published to date, including the hard-to-find first seven sold-out editions.