Throughout the summer of 2018, Esopus editor Tod Lippy worked on a series of 25 drawings, completed during a residency at the MacDowell Colony in August, whose subject matter related to the past 15 years and 25 issues of Esopus, which recently suspended publication. These drawings were compiled into a facsimile sketchbook, Tod Lippy: Esopus Drawings, which was launched at the legendary art bookstore Printed Matter (231 11th Avenue, New York, NY) on Thursday, November 1, from 6 to 8 p.m. (DIRECTIONS AND MORE INFO)
Copies of the edition, which serves as the Fall 2018 Limited-Edition Artwork for Esopus Premium subscribers, were available for purchase at the event, and a limited number have also been distributed to bookstores by Distributed Art Publishers (D.A.P.).