In the fourth installment in our series of fiction by never-before-published authors, two boxers, play-fighting to crowds across the country, find true struggle off the mats.
“Carter could take a punch, but for show, he knew how to bite the inside of his cheek, draw blood, and with the right amount of drama and grit, spit out a wet crimson stream onto the judge’s table. It helped sell the crowd if they thought the fight was real.”
In the fourth installment in our series of fiction by never-before-published authors, two boxers, play-fighting to crowds across the country, find true struggle off the mats.
Stuart Nadler, a recipient of the “5 Under 35” award from the National Book Foundation, is the author of two novels—Wise Men (Little, Brown, 2013) and The Inseparables (Little, Brown; chosen as the best book of 2016 by Kirkus)—and the short story collection The Book of Life (Little, Brown, 2011). He graduated from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and was a Truman Capote Fellow. Nadler teaches Creative Writing at Boston College and is a Bennington Writing Seminars faculty member. He lives in New England.